We are dark angels
We are dark angels

we are dark angels we are dark angels

( Revelation 14:​6, 7) This direction benefits both those preaching and those hearing the good news.​- Acts 8:​26, 27.Īngels help to keep the Christian congregation free of contamination by wicked people.​- Matthew 13:49.Īngels guide and protect those who are faithful to God.​- Psalm 34:7 91:10, 11 Hebrews 1:​7, 14. Yes, God uses his faithful angels to help people today.Īngels are used by God as he directs his servants in the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom of God.

we are dark angels

For example, cherubs guarded the entrance to the garden of Eden after Adam and Eve were expelled.​- Genesis 3:​23, 24.

we are dark angels

( Isaiah 6:​2, 6) Cherubs form another high-ranking order of angels having special duties. ( Jude 9 Revelation 12:7) Seraphs are high-ranking angels who are stationed near Jehovah’s throne. The angel greatest in both power and authority is Michael, the archangel. ( Luke 2:​13, 14) And they have the freedom to choose between right and wrong, as seen when some of them sinned by joining Satan the Devil in his rebellion against God.​- Matthew 25:41 2 Peter 2:4. ( 1 Corinthians 13:1) They have thinking ability and are able to compose expressions of praise to God. ( Daniel 12:1 Luke 1:​26) * Other angels acknowledged that they had names, but they did not reveal them.​- Genesis 32:29 Judges 13:17, 18.Īngels have distinct personalities. The Bible gives the names of two angels: Michael and Gabriel. Do angels have individual names and personalities? For example, a vision given to the apostle John included a glimpse of hundreds of millions of angels.​- Revelation 5:​11, footnote. The Bible does not give an exact figure, but it does show that their number is vast. When God created the earth, the angels “began shouting in applause.”​- Job 38:​4-7. ( Mark 12:25) Instead, each of these “sons of the true God” was individually created.​- Job 1:6.Īngels were created in the distant past, before the earth existed. ( Colossians 1:​13-​17) Angels do not marry and reproduce. God created the angels through Jesus, whom the Bible calls “the firstborn of all creation.” Describing how God used Jesus in creation, the Bible says: “By means of all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible,” including the angels. ( 1 Kings 8:​27 John 6:​38) Thus, they are also referred to as spirits.​- 1 Kings 22:21 Psalm 18:10. ( 2 Peter 2:​11) They exist in heaven, or the spirit realm, which is a level of existence higher than the physical universe. Angels are beings who have greater power and ability than humans.

We are dark angels